. Welcome to Enemies of the Empire, the rst sourcebook for probably a benecial thing, as allowing freshly-made Introductionthe Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, 4th Edition! . . . .185 The Shapeshifter. They are extremely dif-STAG (SHIKA) cult to domesticate, although wealthy noblemen will some- times keep them as (well-guarded) pets.The stag is the most widespread game animal in Rokugan.They are prized for their swiftness and the challenge they Tigers in Rokugan are found primarily in the northern re-present to hunters. The Qolat, formed origi- collapsed as an arm of the Kolat, though individual mem- nally from the refugees who ed the Kami in Rokugan, have bers often continued their personal war against the forces of found the Burning Sands ready and willing to hear their mes- Jigoku. To most he was a wise man and long distances. . . . They done to prevent him from gaining too much power over the generally use slow acting poisons, to lessen the chance of dis- Kolat as a whole, since in theory all the Masters should speak covery beforehand and to create a confusing delay between with an equal voice. Do not sell or share my personal information. . . . Tora and the other conspirators pored over The Kolat is a vast and terrible conspiracy, dating back to Shinseis Tao, seeking its wisdom for themselves.the very founding of the Emerald Empire, conceived in absolutesecrecy and maintained through ruthless practicality, amoral Out of these early debates, which lasted for almost a quar-cruelty, and absolute fanaticism. . . powers the kansen grant them, but their leaders are often ter- Bloodspeakers have numerous motivations for seeking ried of the consequences. . Magical healing can still affect the target normally.ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE SYMBOL OF BLOOD c Ring/Mastery: Air 2 (Maho) c Range: 50 c Ring/Mastery: Water 1 (Maho, Wards) c Area of Effect: One target samurai c Range: Touch c Duration: 1 month c Area of Effect: 30 radius c Raises: Duration (+10 days per Raise) c Duration: 12 hours c Raises: Area of Effect (+5 per Raise), Duration (+2 This subtle curse causes a samurai to manifest his clans most stereotypical and notorious behavior. . . 123 Roc Sect . . . . . . . . Finally, the artist is free to create and experimentonce more. stack with other Symbols of Blood. 59 Third Whisker . . . . . . . They are stealthy predators, Wounds: 18: +10; 36: Dead lurking in trees, streams, or marshes until their prey comes Skills: Hunting 4 close enough to seize and constrict. . A look at the many varied threats facing the Emerald Empire, with depth and detail on each. . . Although the Kolat are perhaps the idealsigned to be self-sufcient and independent, united only by conspiracy theory villains, the Bloodspeakers work almostdevotion to Iuchiban. . 51 Nezumi Communication and Psychology . Travel- ing across the Empire, leaping from body to body, Iuchiban contacted Yajinden and gathered his followers to prepared for another assault on the Empire. . . . . .121, Mastery Level 4 . . Many Kolat believed this to be Given such facts, it was perhaps inevitable that the Kolata major victory for the conspiracy, a huge step forward in would face a major defeat just a few years later. . 70 Step 1: Pick Your Tribe . . Man had been firmly inculcated into the conspiracys re- Hida, lord of the Crab, reluctantly ordered the Eye brought to cruits. . . . . . white tigers have occasionally been reported. . While ing competitions are common diversions at many courts. . c Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Maho) The spells name is an ironic joke within the cults ranks. . 208 Notable Undead Villains . . . . . . Black bearsDamage: 1k1 Armor TN: 20 will climb trees to get their prey, while brown bears prefer to knock trees over. . . (Manipulation) 7, Defense 5, Etiquette 6, Forgery 4, Heavy Weapons 2, Intimidation (Control) 7, Kenjutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Kolat 7, Lore: Sake Breweries 5, Meditation 2, Sincer- ity (Deceit) 6 Advantages: c Allies (many) c Blackmail (many) c Crafty c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Social Position (Yasuki Family Daimyo) c Wealthy Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) c Obligation (Kolat), New Mechanics c Required Rings/Traits: Two mental Traits at 5 or The Kolat higherThe following sections offer new mechanical options for rep- 49resenting Kolat characters in your campaign. . . If the target suffers from aPhobia the spell will also activate its effects. . The level.Bloodspeakers make no distinction between social caste, andhave taught their secrets to samurai of all types, to peasants,and even to eta. . This can work especially well in a campaignwhich pursue their goals in many different ways. . . The TenThe Second Day of Thunder heralded the end of the Hantei Masters continued to meet regularly at the Hidden Temple andDynasty and the beginning of it successor, the Toturi Dynasty. Even at the peak of its power, during the period between the return of The Kolat are the masters of Rokugani conspiracy, but the Unicorn Clan and the Second Day of Thunder, the con- this does not mean they are the only conspirators in spiracys real numbers were small and the Masters knew they the Empire. measures against it. cult name of Iuchiban, the Bloodspeaker, although he would continue to go by the name Otomo Jama in public for several In the nal year of the fth century, Jama discovered thelong-forgotten journals of Kuni Nakanu, a Crab priest who more years.had conducted forbidden research into the undead. . . . This was too momentous a day to allow such repeat my request. . . . If the target wins, the spells effects end. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. .132, The Obsidian Hand . . . . . . . . . This leaves the players as passive g-will be tempted to meta-game their knowledge of the Ko- ures who are shuttled through the plot by the machinations oflat characters true nature, and the Kolat character in turn the conspiracy, a situation they will quickly nd frustratingwill be tempted to take improper advantage of his knowl- and uninteresting.edge of the PCs. It was a key and leaderless, and the remaining Masters had to devote allblow against the Darkness, but it exposed the existence of the their efforts to ensuring something survived for the future.Kolat to the Empire as a whole. . . To a few, how- them with their answer: Shinsei, the Little Teacher, whose wis-ever, it holds the power of life and death, and with its simple dom enabled the early Empire to withstand Fu Lengs assault.utterance it can transform a single life or kill hundreds. As the early Kolat Masters began to grow old and die, next several centuries slowly tightening their grip on the clan, their heirs often proved considerably less capable. . including the porcelain masks they used to animate corpsesThe Bloodspeakers and, of course, the dreaded Bloodswords (discussed later It was Yajindens relentless quest to create more powerful in this chapter). He nally died when the Scorpion Clan stormed the Hidden Indeed, the danger posed by the Heavens is not unique to Temple. . Although acknowledging an ongoing criticism of postcolonial theory as initiated by Edward Said in 1978, the editors of Enemies of Empire: New Perspectives on Imperialism, Literature and Historiography firmly contend that such theory provides "an enabling and convincing battery of critical and historiographical tools with which to confront the vagaries of imperialisms and empires" (12). . Now that he was no longer bound by had seen many forms of exotic magic but had never actually his own body there seemed no way to keep him imprisoned encountered the maho spells and seductive ideology of the once Togashi Yamatsus willpower failed. . . . . . . . . . If an army is needed the Kolat Resources and Methods will try to maneuver the forces of one of the clans into do- ing the work instead. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRElord (or in other games, to gain their treasure, but we dontworry too much about that here). He had caused some minor embarrassment hereand there with his outbursts in social settings, but it was well As you wish, Hikaru observed. . Ron Chironna, Miguel Coimbra, Conceptopolis, Ed Cox. . The illusion is present for onlya few moments and can only be perceived by the target, whomust roll against a Fear 5 effect. . . 46 Naga Archetypes. . . . 40 (or, Can I Play a Naga?) than underestimating a boar is being disemboweled by one. . Table Steel Sect . 117 Cloud Sect . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE, BOAR (INOSHISHI) CAT (NEKO) Boars are medium-sized mammals related to pigs, differing Cats in Rokugan are the subject of considerable supersti- from their smaller cousins by their thick hides, bristly fur, tion, and some peasants believe them to be shape-changers and the two large tusks located at the ends of their jaws. . They employ a soft and subtle hand whenever possible. A considerableattention, they could easily shift the blame to the Scorpion schism developed within the ranks of the conspiracys leaders ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREClan, using them as scapegoats. . Their believers, men and women absolutely convinced they were agents staged a bandit attack, stealing the object and quickly doing the right thing for all mankind. .133 Utogu no Oni, the Endless Hunger .170 New Game Mechanics: Table of Contents A Shadow Deepens Uzaki no Oni, Creatures of the Shadowlands . . . . The tionalize and justify his behavior. From the seeming heightsout centuries of effort in a few weeks. AIR 2 EARTH 3 FIRE 2 WATER 3 REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 4 Stags stand around four feet tall and can have very largehorns. . . . . . . We hope Rokugan just should take into account abilities such as Reductiongot a lot more interesting. The hidden Bloodspeaker cellsacross the Empire emerged to ght, their ranks swollen practi-cally overnight by the effects of the Rain of Blood. These agents had one of the most dangerous jobs within the conspiracy, for their operations were always liable to draw the attention of Imperial Magistrates or the Seppun familys Hidden Guard. . At the beginning of the second and each subsequent hour, the target may make a Stamina TIGER (TORA) Bestiary Roll (TN 25) to prevent suffering additional penal- ties for that hour. resumed a calm expression. . . . The key activities in the city were conducted within that commerce can undermine the rule of the Heavens morethe innermost holdings, however, where security was vastly effectively than any doctrine. 76 Mastery Level 5 Memory Sticks . . The most common dangerous variety, the aoizame ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREtwenty feet. .177 Sakkaku, The Realm of Mischief . More details Words: 221,422 Pages: 290 Preview Full text . . This and utterly merciless general of the Bloodspeaker Cult.tradition continues in Rokugan to the present day, although So complete was the transformation that the cult wouldmost have forgotten the reason behind it. . . . . Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Smash 5k4 (Simple)ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE or Bite 4k4 (Complex) Damage: 5k2 (smash) or Armor TN: 20 3k3 (bite) NEW MECHANICS Reduction: 4 Wounds: 10: +5; 20: +10; 30: +15; 40: Dead While most members of the samurai caste have very little to Skills: Athletics (Climbing) 3 do with animals outside of horseback riding, there are notable Special Abilities: 10 exceptions. Yajinden had acquired the terrible relic known as the Anvil of Despair, an artifact created from the blood of the First Oni and the souls of the lost Boar Clan. . . . On Sunday we were besieged by thousands of visitors, who begged earnestly from the soldiers a button or badge or . . Up until prefer to at least have a chance of getting the better of their the twelfth century, most Scorpion were too secure in their foes. 160 Rank 2 Ronin Paths. . . . . Reduction: 4 Wounds: 24: +10; 48: Dead AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 2REFLEXES 5 STAMINA 3 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4Initiative: 5k5 Attack: Gore 3k3 (Complex) Skills: Hunting 4, Stealth 4Damage: 4k2 Special Abilities:Reduction: 3 Armor TN: 30 c Fear 2.Skills: Stealth 2 Wounds: 12: +10; 24: +20; c Swift 1. No denite link is known animal and is much more likely to attack than the smaller between mundane snakes and the serpentine race of the Naga, aoizame shark. Edwin David, Thomas Denmark, John Donahue. . .170 The Birth of the Corrupted Lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . Shinsei was a mortal man, but the Kami listened to him and revered his wisdom. . . . . For example, ness grew stronger the Kolat employed ever more stringent what if the Kolat nally succeeds in assassinating Togashi? However, if the spell succeeds, the caster only be affected once within the duration of the spell.may choose either to gain a Physical or Mental Advantage forthe duration of the spell, or inict a Physical or Mental Disad- MASTERY LEVEL 4vantage on another person within range for the duration of thespell. . . 256 Genso no Oni, Dark Warrior . The hideous mask burned through the boys esh artifacts than ever before and to overthrow the estab- and fused with his skull, transforming him into a self-willed lished order of Rokugan. . . . . .133 the Demon Commander . . . . It mightdiscussing ways in which the Kami might someday be defeated take hundreds or even thousands of years to bring mankind en-and their own rule restored. . All of this means that even maho-tsukai? Smaller breeds ofmonkey are sometimes kept as pets by nobles these types ofmonkeys will have Strength and Agility of 2. . . . . directly. . . . . Such recruits are other was a criminal gang leader.rare, however not because of a lack of dishonorablesamurai within the Emerald Empire, but rather because The use of peasants and untouchables offers many ad-it is difficult to find someone with such petty desires who vantages to the Kolat. . 187 Sample Spirits and Characters . . . .154 Soultwister Spells . . If the accidents do notback to the Hidden Temple for analysis. The food and water lose all nutritional value andTaint gain to 0. anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a 3k0 penalty to all Skill,New Maho Spells Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. . . In return, the caster School/Rank: Otomo Courtier 5/Bloodspeaker Technique (In- heals all physical injuries, regrows any missing limbs or or- sight Rank 10) gans, and extends his life by one year. . . . 166 Priests of the Kami . . . . 126 Character Mechanics: Creating a Naga 79 Sample Nezumi . . . 27 Notable Lost Villains . . . . . . These Masters argued that the loss of the, Organization of a Conspiracy: When not visiting the Hidden Temple, the Kolat Masters The Masters and the Sects live ordinary lives, behaving in all ways like the loyal and pious Rokugani they appear to be. 17 to accrue until the target succeeds on three consecu- Their fur is usually a pattern of white, orange, and black tive rolls, the poison is treated, 24 hours pass, or the stripes, but some breeds lack the orange coloration and all- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE target has an uninterrupted eight hour period to rest. At one time he was both a Kolat and a secret enemy of the conspiracy, and he R S40 OC ECTThe Kolat witnessed the death of the woman he loved when she tried to The Roc Sect is a mixture of Kolat and Qolat, and serves as the assassinate the possessed Emperor Hantei XXXIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bloodspeaker freed his original body from endure as long as they have to in order to reclaim their powerits jade chains, and he and Yajinden escaped the Tomb for the and nd some way of bringing back their leader. . doesnt walk into the Lotus Sect Assassin dojo and spend a week training. . . . . . . The founders of the Kolat were a strange mixture of It appeared to be a giant crystalline globe, larger than a man opportunistic power-mongers and subtle philosophers. Only those reddish-black energy owing out of the dead body and intoof the Bloodspeakers who are high-ranking and knowledge- the caster. Eye permitted them to observe events from vast distances, The Kolat admired Shinsei from the moment he ap- almost anywhere they wished, and the strange crystal tears peared, but saw the Little Teacher in a different light that oozed from it could be used to communicate over equally than normal Rokugani. . ation but if the player is willing to embrace the drama and tragedy inherent in such a storyline, it can be a very exciting A good way to handle the ow of information and pre- addition to the campaign.vent meta-gaming in a game involving Kolat characters isto make every character write down their actions and pass 45them to the GM. Ofmonkey are sometimes kept as pets by nobles these types ofmonkeys will have Strength Agility. Work especially well in a campaignwhich pursue their goals in many different.... Too momentous a day to allow such repeat my request to him revered... Cults ranks leaders are often ter- Bloodspeakers have numerous motivations for seeking of! 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