+1 for centrality of Stormgaard. Klicken Sie hier um zur deutschen Website zu gelangen! OverviewKingdom TerminologyFounding a KingdomLeadership Roles, RulerConsortCouncilorGeneralGrand DiplomatHeirHigh PriestMagisterMarshalRoyal EnforcerSpymasterTreasurerViceroyWarden, Upkeep PhaseEdict PhaseIncome PhaseEvent Phase, Holiday EdictsImprovement EdictsPromotion EdictsTaxation Edicts, Type of Diplomatic RelationshipsRelationships with Multiple Kingdoms, Exploration EdictsTrade EdictsVassalage Edicts, Aqueduct*Bridge*Canal*Farm*Fishery*Fort*Highway*MineQuarryRoad*SawmillWatchtower*Special Terrain, Founding a SettlementSettlement SizesMagic Items in Settlements, Deities and Holy SitesExpanding Settlement Modifiers, Fame and InfamyForms of GovernmentIndependence and UnificationDeclaring IndependenceForming a UnionLeadership Role Skills, AcademyAlchemistArenaBankBardic CollegeBarracksBlack MarketBreweryBridgeBureauCasters TowerCastleCathedralCisternCity WallDance HallDumpEverflowing SpringExotic ArtisanForeign QuarterFoundryGarrisonGranaryGraveyardGuildhallHerbalistHospitalHouseInnJailLibraryLuxury StoreMagic ShopMagical AcademyMagical StreetlampsMansionMarketMenagerieMilitary AcademyMillMintMoatMonasteryMonumentMuseumNoble VillaObservatoryOrphanagePalaceParkPaved StreetsPierSewer SystemShopShrineSmithyStableStockyardTanneryTavernTempleTenementTheaterTown HallTrade ShopUniversityWatchtowerWatergateWaterfrontTaxation edictsWaterway. Other events may also happen during this phase, such as independence or unification. Just as a kingdom can divide into separate pieces, kingdoms may want to unite to become a more powerful political entity. Once I get the chance to do more with events in the workbook, I'll look into working these bonuses/penalties back in as appropriate. | Forge Engine SRD If you find a term youre not familiar with, check the Kingdom Terminology section or refer to the Overview for a better idea of where you can find that information. You can only claim a hex that is adjacent to at least 1 other hex in your kingdom. included in this declaration.). As the leaders, you use your power and influence to direct the economic and constructive activity of your kingdom, deciding what gets built, when, and where. Pathfinders! I'm sorry :( Once I get the optional rules for the kingdom building side added in, this will probably be the next thing I tackle. I'll be sure to add it to my list! Build points include raw materials (such as livestock, lumber, land, seed, and ore), tangible goods (such as wagons, weapons, and candles), and people (artisans, laborers, and colonists). Thanks for all your comments, Kord! Founded in 2016, our company is headquartered in Houston, TX. Damn Red - I wish I'd have thought of that 1st! Your kingdoms initial Loyalty is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and any modifiers from your kingdoms leadership role. Adam rolls a 19, adds the kingdoms Stability (56), and subtracts its Unrest (5), for a total of 70; thats a success, so Unrest decreases by 1. storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress, but excluding any content that is Product Identity of Paizo Publishing, Inc. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not The hex measurement is an abstraction; the hexes are easy to quantify and allow the GM to categorize a large area as one terrain type without having to worry about precise borders of forests and other terrain features. If the ruler is unavailable during a turn, you may act as the Ruler for that turn, negating the vacancy penalty for having no Ruler, though you do not gain the Ruler benefit. | Here Be Monsters Thanks! The kingdoms alignment represents the majority outlook and behavior of the people within that kingdom when theyre considered as a group. Looking ahead to the Income Phase, Jessica realizes that an average roll for her Economy check would be a failure (10 on the 1d20 + 52 Economy 4 Unrest = 58, less than the Control DC of 60), which means theres a good chance the kingdom wont generate any BP this turn. It weirds me out to hit delete on things (personal preference) While players running a kingdom should be allowed to read these rules (having them do so makes much of the kingdom building easier for the GM), the players shouldnt think they can abuse these rules to exploit weird corner cases. On each lot you may construct a building, and each building affects your kingdom's Economy, Loyalty, and so on. be construed as - you get more people living in a similar sized space I think I found an error: it appears that the city building: watchtower is not contributing to the overall city defense stat. by mindeblown Form Fillable Kingdom Building Sheet Here's a form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for Kingdom Building. A kingdoms alignment rarely changes, though at the GMs option, it can shift through the actions of its rulers or its people. I've had a look over the Consumption calculation for armies and it looks like I had somehow left out one of the references to the adjustments from resources/special abilities/etc. It now lists the five most expensive buildings in each city Initiative Card. Fill a Settlement with 4 Lots of Buildings: 1,600 XP, Fill a Settlement with 16 Lots of Buildings: 4,800 XP, Fill a Settlement with 36 Lots of Buildings: 12,800 XP. :). :). For anyone interested in a (nearly) complete list of changes I've made, here is a list for you. It's a beast, and I still don't totally understand how everything is supposed to work in it but it does cover a lot of ground. Zoetrope had added an Event Generator, which is what the instructions were referring to. This is great. You may have to recruit NPCs to fill out the remaining necessary roles for your kingdom. While it is possible to convert gp into BP and back again, for the most part youll just be spending BP to run your kingdom. During the Event Phase, follow these steps. The base DC for a control check is equal to 20 + the kingdoms Size in hexes + the total number of districts in all your settlements + any other modifiers from special circumstances or effects. The Marshal is also responsible for securing the kingdoms borders. I didn't have a copy at the time so I thought that surely the changes wouldn't be that major and I'd just use the old rules with BotRN and some house rules. Like benefits, most vacancy penalties are constant, last as long as that role is vacant, and dont stack with themselves. Hey Brad (& Psi51), We invite you to participate in the beta-test of the 2.1.0 update. As we've just started Rivers Run Red and I'm not as familiar with it as I became with Stolen Land, it will take a chunk of my time but hopefully I'll have some left for this project :). I would love to hear your thoughts later! While in anarchy, your kingdom can take no action and treats all Economy, Loyalty, and Stability check results as 0. Theocracy: The kingdom is ruled by the leader of its most popular religion, and the ideas and members of that religion often enjoy favored status in government and the kingdom. Should be a great addition. The Treasurer monitors the state of the kingdoms Treasury and citizens confidence in the value of their money and investigates whether any businesses are taking unfair advantage of the system. Let me know if there are any issues, its my first time making a self calculating sheet. Minor thing that I came across which threw me off: I was converting my hardcopy kingdom sheet into the spreadsheet, and one figure kept calculating "incorrectly". Your kingdoms Consumption is equal to its Size, modified by settlements and terrain improvements (such as Farms and Fisheries). Let me know if you guys catch any bugs, errors, or anything else strange. I solved it by using the correcting the reference for the column waterfront and districts. It's probably not the last change that I've overlooked, either, so please feel free to let me know if you see any more :). Once youve completed these steps, move on to Kingdom Turn Sequence. Standard Version (.xlsx) Cohorts, followers, and even intelligent familiars or similar companions can fill leadership roles, and you may want to consider inviting allied NPCs to become rulers, such as asking a friendly ranger you rescued to become the kingdoms Marshal. This was left over from the pre-Ultimate Campaign version of the sheet. Settlement Roster. Doing so increases Unrest by 1 for each hex abandoned (or by 4 if the hex contained a settlement). | 13th Age SRD Some events can be negated, ended, or compensated for with some kind of kingdom check. You and the other PCs take specific roles in leading your kingdom, such as Ruler, High Priest, General, and so on. In addition, the GM may have an adventure- or campaign-specific event take place. Example: Jessica and the other leaders need to keep BP in the kingdom for future plans, so they skip Step 1 of the Income phase. Modifications: These look amazing! This represents either a mechanical (pulleys, ropes or cables) or a magical (levitation or flying) elevator system. Again, thanks for all the excellent work! The leaders arent selling any expensive items, so nothing happens in Step 3. Excellent sheet, one small bug, cistern adds to population. There is a 25% chance of an event occurring (see Events). Tweaked attribute fields for Rulers and Spymasters so you can make them blank without hitting delete. Thanks for being awesome, Brad! NOTE that this is based on the Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Managementand NOT the system listed in Kingmaker book 1. Will test it more thoroughly with a trial game tomorrow! If a character in a role is killed or permanently incapacitated during a turn and not restored to health by the start of the next kingdom turn, that role counts as vacant for that next turn, after which a replacement can be appointed to the role. Example: Jessica is the Ruler of a kingdom with a Size of 30 and a Control DC of 60. Recent Changes A kingdom should have a capital citythe seat of your power. Step 3Sell Expensive Items for BP: You can attempt to sell expensive personal items (that is, items worth more than 4,000 gp each) through your kingdoms markets to add to your Treasury. Looks like I was right! Anything marked as an optional rule is described in the optional kingdom-building rules. Benefit(s): Add your Intelligence modifier or Wisdom modifier to Economy. Here's what I came up with. Posted by Dale McCoy November 21, 2011 November 20, 2011 Posted in Pathfinder RPG Tags: Book of the River Nations, Excel, Jon Brazer Enterprises, Kingdom Building, Pathfinder RPG, PFRPG, RPGs Thanks to two fans: Timothy Withem and Rob Vermeulen, the Book of the River Nations: Complete Player's Reference for Kingdom Building has an easy to use . This section presents rules for building a kingdom and waging war that focus on the larger tactics of city planning and troop strategy rather than managing details of individual settlers and soldiers. I didn't see one on here so I took the time to make it for my home game. all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. Successfully leveling up stats, completing events, and building new additions to . Benefit(s): Add half your Charisma modifier to Loyalty. Consumption: Consumption indicates how many BP are required to keep the kingdom functioning each month. Benefit(s): Add half your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to Economy. Benefit(s): Add half your Charisma modifier to Loyalty. The Grand Diplomat is in charge of the kingdoms foreign policyhow it interacts with other kingdoms and similar political organizations such as tribes of intelligent monsters. The units of a kingdoms wealth and productivity are build points (BP). Each hex is 12 miles from corner to corner, representing an area of just less than 95 square miles. Mine group will definetly use it form the next session. For example, the Royal Enforcer decreases Unrest by 1 at every Upkeep Phase. Not mine, but I found in my obsessive dive into kingmaker. The kingdom cannot issue Diplomatic or Exploration edicts. These things are made at your command, but they are not yours. Kingdom Sheet. Responsibilities of Leadership: In order to gain the benefits of leadership, you must spend at least 7 days per month attending to your duties; these days need not be consecutive. If it includes already improved terrain and cities, youre expected to govern and further improve them. I'd just like to know so I could figure out where to place it in my priorities list. Our group had mentioned the kingdom building rules in Ultimate Campaign which had just been released. I noticed a small error in the consumption calculation (L32). Determine which hexes belong to each daughter kingdom. The Royal Enforcer may attempt to reduce Unrest during this step. If your kingdoms Size is 101 or more, choose a third kingdom attribute and add your Charisma modifier to it too. Store Handout. On your next turn, you must claim a new hex and found or claim a new settlement, or your kingdom is destroyed and you must start over if you want to found a new kingdom. As for adding a check rule on the name of cities, this sounds like it could be a good idea, but it will likely take a decent chunk of time to implement thoroughly and make sure every reference to city data gets covered. (See Magic Items in Settlements for more information on this topic.). :). Sensational Crime (Settlement, Continuous) A serial killer, arsonist, or daring bandit plagues your kingdom. As the initial citizens represented by this BP investment are probably loyal to the sponsor, taking action against the sponsor may anger those people and cause trouble. Time spent ruling cannot be used for adventuring, crafting magic items, or completing other downtime activities that require your full attention and participation. Thanks! Thanks for the replies, guys! Let me know if there are any issues, its my first time making a self calculating sheet. In a typical campaign where the kingdom leaders have no ties to actual nobility, someone of equal station is irrelevant and your marriage is between two Rulers. Depending on the site, this may involve clearing trees, moving boulders, digging sanitation trenches, and so on. Now that I have the minimum spreadsheet I'm needing for my personal campaign, I'll start working on finishing what I've started and I'll be sure to post updated versions in this thread. Ship Sheet. Though many kingdoms break apart due to military, racial, or religious conflicts, you can divide up your kingdom amiably if all leaders agree. Removed the conditional formatting on the Edicts dropdowns on the Overall page so they weren't "hidden" when there was a relevant vacancy. Add the Unrest from Step 3 to the Unrest for the daughter kingdoms. When I discovered that Berhagen and Zoetrope had made an awesome spreadsheet, especially one that incorporated Book of the River Nations, which I had already purchased, I was incredibly relieved. New Pages Download Links (version 4.1): I wanted to post for anyone looking for a kingdom tracking spreadsheet that makes use of all the changes made in Ultimate Campaign. Thanks for being awesome! r/Pathfinder_RPG 9 Fantasy themed Spotify playlists with a twist: only Dungeon Synth, no orchestral or big production - only dusty old-school synth from the 70s/80s or 90s! I'll look into it a bit more and do some testing to see if I can start doing this with the next update. of They defeat the monster, so the event does not generate any Unrest. This should be listed as Consumption 5 (Army Consumption 1 + 4 Ranged Support for a Large Army). Most of the decisions are in the hands of the players, and these rules are written with that assumption, using terms like your kingdom and your army. However, the GM is still in charge of the campaign, and is expected to make judgments about the repercussions of player decisions. Loyalty: Loyalty refers to the sense of goodwill among your people, their ability to live peaceably together even in times of crisis, and to fight for one another when needed. Legal Information/Open Game License. The aforementioned Watchtower and Sawmill errors have been fixed and I've uploaded a quick bugfix version to the same download location as the previously posted version 4.2 download links. Works like a charm! I think "Paizo community" is a perfect description. The High Priest tends to the kingdoms religious needs and guides its growth. With F9 i'm only currently updating calculations, how do i exactly generate random Events? Abdicating a position increases Unrest by 1 and requires a Loyalty check; if the check fails, the vacancy penalty applies for 1 turn while the new leader transitions into that role. I'm going to spend a few days having a play around with them, and if you'd like I can share my thoughts? Vacancy Penalty: Economy decreases by 4. I still have quite a bit of work to do on it, but it's been a fun way to get to know the new system and also make something that I will use when I restart my Kingmaker campaign next year. For example, if you rebuff the queens envoy, your citizens may see this as a snub against the queen and rebel. | GumshoeSRD This can be roleplayed or can be assumed to run in the background without needing to be defined or actively played out. During the Upkeep Phase, Unrest increases by 1. Your responsibility to the sponsor usually falls into one of the following categories, based on the loan arrangement. For example, a General increases Loyalty by 2, so the General provides a constant +2 to the kingdoms Loyalty (not a stacking +2 increase every turn), which goes away if she dies or resigns. a kingdom turn takes 1 month of game time. If you have reached this walkthrough from the Stolen Land article, this walkthrough will be rather brief in comparison as kingdom management is more of a mini-game than it is a necessity. It seems the least we can do for all your hard work\. Should i press F9 in a particular tab? Thank you for pointing this out! If the Ruler dies, the Consort may act as Ruler until the Heir comes of age and can take over as Ruler. When you decide on your kingdoms alignment, apply the following adjustments to the kingdoms statistics: Chaotic: +2 Loyalty; Evil: +2 Economy; Good: +2 Loyalty; Lawful: +2 Economy; Neutral: Stability +2 (apply this twice if the kingdoms alignment is simply Neutral, not Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Neutral). I really, really appreciate it! Thanks for the suggestion, Niilo! Something about a 400,000 cell limit anyone knows any other decent online spread sheet programs, like to know them(or at least a way to fix w/e is wrong with this google). When I tested it on Google Docs, it seemed to be painfully slow in recalculating the sheet and I didn't really give it a thorough test to see if it was working at all or what was missing/broken. Step 1Assign Leadership: Assign PCs or NPCs to any vacant leadership roles or change the roles being filled by particular PCs or closely allied NPCs (see Leadership Roles). I didn't see one on here so I took the time to make it for my home game. Kingmaker is very flexible and you can streamline the kingdom building rules if players feel it is boring things down or (like we did) lean right into it and expand it out like crazy (whole vassal kobold kingdoms, peaceful takeover of another large nearby kingdom through diplomacy and careful use of bagpipes, kingdom region hex map that ended up I see a note saying "Press F9 to update any calculations or generate a random Event". For example, players may decide to construct a city full of graveyards because of the bonuses they provide to the city, but if the GM believes that is unreasonable, he could decide that the city is prone to frequent undead attacks. Vacancy Penalty: This line explains the penalty to your kingdom if no character fills this role, or if the leader fails to spend the necessary time fulfilling his responsibilities. While in kingmaker dc was based solely on number of hexes controlled, in ultimate campaign the dc also includes the number of settlements in each city the kingdom has. Tweaked the way a few formulas work, especially in regards to vacancies and edicts (personal preference), Formatting: The city sheets now determine and display each city's magic item slots. I have created a "Large" Army of Fighters with ranged support. Step-by-step instructions for founding a kingdom. Some roles have no vacancy penalty. It was silly and I'm glad you said something so I could change it back. If the kingdom has an army and a navy, the heads of those organizations report to the kingdoms General. At the GMs discretion, monsters may move into the abandoned hex, requiring you to clear it again if you want to claim it later, and terrain improvements may decay over time. You are absolutely correct, as well! If you'd like, you can use the pre-Ultimate Campaign sheet to generate events. Daily Spell Sheet. It has really paid off for us so far. If this changes the patrons attitude to hostile, it leads to war against your rebellious kingdom. Others, such as a rampaging monster, require you to complete an adventure or deal with a problem in a way not covered by the kingdom-building rules. Try Google Docs or MS OneDrive for sharing the spreadsheet. Support Material. This otherwise functions like losing a hex due to unrest (see Step 4 of the Upkeep Phase). Add the (updated) magic item slots back to the settlement worksheets, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet, Open/Libre Office Quick Conversion (.ods), previously posted version 4.2 download links, I've uploaded it for you here if you don't want to hunt for it, 1 Tweaked attribute fields for rulers and Spymasters so you can make them blank without hitting.... A Control DC of 60 represents either a mechanical ( pulleys, or... Ended, or compensated for with some kind of kingdom check ( L32.! Digging sanitation trenches, and Stability check results as 0 `` Paizo community '' is list. 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pathfinder kingdom building spreadsheet