We made it trough the entire A book in less than a school year, so I will be using the test booklet as review for the last few weeks of school. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for VOCABULARY FROM CLASSICAL ROOTS TEST at the best online prices at eBay! You will just not have as full or robust a vocabulary base. We have just started this curriculum (we were previously using Wordly Wise) and my kids and I really appreciate it. "The Professor's Classical Vocabulary" Unit 1 contains 20 grade-level vocabulary words, which includes 5 S.T.E.M. Roots are grouped thematically in worktexts, with each of the sixteen lessons in every book introducing up to 15 words derived from two or more classical roots. All credit card and check information is automatically deleted off of our systems once payment has been received. There are a couple of pages that have the answers, but I just tear those out and store them in my teacher manual. It gives support for every lesson, provides blackline masters to reinforce key words, gives additional review activities and vocabulary games, and includes a glossary and answer key for the student books. I'm the author/artist and I want to review. Orders consisting of regular and Bargain items can be purchased by credit card or PayPal and are shipped together (with two packing slips). We like it for this year, so I'm ordering the next level for next year. No Interest. In the case of this series, the sum is definitely more than the total of its parts. Orders consisting of regular and Bargain items can be purchased by credit card or PayPal and are shipped together (with two packing slips). Test booklet for Vocabulary from Classical Roots B. There aren't many questions per test, so that really seemed to work well. All Bargain Books are sold as is and all sales are final (no returns, exchanges or cancellations). Vocabulary From Classical Roots A Test & Key # 000573 Our Price: $5.45 Retail: $7.09 Save: 23.13% ($1.64) In Stock. I just had my son color in the bubbles in the booklet. the is a required workbook for my daughter's 7th grade english class, "Knowing the roots enables one to extrapolate word meanings.". Please try again. Words are presented with dictionary-style definitions, and all words are used in example . Answers are available in the Answer Key, but if you want a little more help, opt for the Teacher Key. 0838882552. Perfect fit. Each test covers two lessons. It provides tips for individual learning needs and shows how to ensure that students are building upon earlier skills. The Teacher Key is a valuable resource, as it complements, extends, and enriches the series. It's multiple choice. Each English word is shown in dictionary format with pronunciation key, definition(s) and word forms each followed by a sentence showing correct word usage in context. Great curriculum for expanding vocabulary. https://quillandinkstore.com/products/vocabulary-from-classical-roots-student-book-5-and-answer-key-set Javascript is not enabled in your browser. It gives support for every lesson, provides blackline masters to reinforce key words, gives additional review activities and vocabulary games, and includes a glossary and answer key for the student books. Call: Read our updated privacy policy for more about what we do with your data, as well as your rights and choices - including how to manage cookies. I have used this series to build vocabulary using roots and affixes from Greek and Latin for many years and am using it now for a public school student I tutor. These reproducible, blackline master tests assess students' understanding of the word roots and the key words presented in Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book B, giving a clear picture of students' progress. The many literary, historical and geographical references are designed to increase the student's cultural literacy. Words are presented with dictionary-style definitions, and all words are used in example sentences. The curriculum is meant to be done by the student on their own. We use this program regularly for our middle school. $250+ orders. As the most important Latin and Greek roots are studied, students increase their vocabularies far more than the 240 words actually presented, since these roots form the basis for many additional words. A serious study and not too difficult This series is very interesting These can by used by many grade levels and you can expand on the course for an older student Love This! Vocabulary from Classical Roots B. All information is secure inside of Rainbow. You can start further in with no problems in my opinion (especially for the older student) but will miss a lot of good, helpful words to learn and know. I believe the answer key is just for the workbook. If you dont love it, return it! ISBN-13. In the case of this series, the sum is definitely more than the total of its parts. Ask us here. This is the best I've seen for teaching vocabulary with Latin and Greek roots Your children will apply the lessons to their other studies as well. No rating value average rating value is 0.0 of 5. Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2014, Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2010. 80 Northwest Blvd Read 0 Reviews Same page link. Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. info@rainbowresource.com. repose 1. Publication date. Selections below will update the What's Included tab but will not update the Description tab or product image. Educators Pub Svc Inc. This item is a digital download file and is not a printed or physical product. Well Trained Mind recommended We've enjoyed the first levels and plan on continuing. A Test Booklet (with answers) is available. They're challenging but not inaccessible. The maximum number of products that can be compared is 4. Each lesson begins with a "root dictionary". "MediaShortDesc" : { "Bargain Books" are brand new items that have minor physical blemishes due to shipping or handling that do not affect the use of the item. Test Booklets (with answers) are available as well. These reproducible, blackline master tests assess student understanding of the word roots and the key words presented in Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book B, giving a clear picture of student progress. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Even the units within each book are rather independent of each other. Vocabulary from Classical Roots - Oct 08 2022 Vocabulary from Classical Roots is a thematically organized vocabulary program based on Greek and Latin roots. spread or diffuse through. All credit card and check information is automatically deleted off of our systems once payment has been received. Paperback (New Edition) $5.10. The single test is non-reproducible while the more expensive version (only available for Grades 4, 5, 6) can be copied for classroom or home use. It has helped them with spelling and with being able to deduce the meaning of words.""". To rest. Have a question about this product? Awesome ebayer! Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2013. We are sorry. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vocabulary from Classical Roots A &B:Student Text, Teacher's Guide & Answer Key at the best online prices at eBay! Favorite vocabulary series for my kids who also study Latin. Vocabulary From Classical Roots . Small side boxes list additional words that are formed from the same root. I really round out a word study. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please use a different way to share. I've been using this product for years. . Vocabulary from Classical Roots Test Book B. by FIFER NORMA. A variety of exercises based on synonyms, antonyms, analogies, vocabularies in context, and sentence completion are provided at the end of lessons to insure mastery. Each lesson begins with a "root dictionary". Save: 20.01% ($3.74) In Stock. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Vocabulary from Classical Roots B - Test Booklet only. You get a lot of educational value for your money here. Pink pages. Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next 24-48 hours.